Swim With Asreen

Asreen Photo

Hi, name is Asreen, I learned to swim as a teenager because I didn't have the opportunity to swim before. I became a swimming instructor 6 years ago, and it has been my passion ever since. Teaching lower levels is what I love. I am very energetic and patient. I am also experienced in helping beginners overcome the nervousness of swimming. I can create an atmosphere that opens people to new challenges. My lessons are full of positive energy and allow you to develop new skills.

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How Swimming Nature could help you

We teach beginners and train athletes. We build confidence in nervous first-timers and refine technique in competent swimmers. However old you are, whatever level you’re at, Swimming Nature can help.

By combining highly structured modular lesson plans, small class sizes and hands-on, in-water instructor attention, we ensure you or your child makes rapid and visible progress.

Not only do we emphasise the mechanics of the four strokes, but we teach the how, why and what behind effortless, energy-efficient swimming, so with Swimming Nature, you’ll swim faster, better and in harmony with your body.